As everyone probably knows Mike came to visit which was AWESOME!!
I woke up on Thursday morning at like 8:30 because I was so excited/nervous that I couldn't sleep haha! I cleaned the rest of house and spent some time with Jesus just praying for my time with Mike :)
He called me at about 10:30 saying that he left Statesville yay!!
He arrived at my house about 12:45. It was so great to finally see him :) He came in and met my mom and gave her two boxes of Russel Stovers chocolate.. she about peed in her pants she was so excited haha she gave him a big was great! I think gave him a tour of my house.. tours are always fun! He wanted to see some baby pics of me so I got out my good ole scrapbook..that was fun times!
We then decided to go to Pullen Park. We swung on the swings for a little bit and then realized how extremely hot it was so we went to Crabtree. He of course had to go to Best Buy first so we chilled in there for awhile and he purchased the Across the Universe Soundtrack (so good) we jammed out! At the mall we just walked around a bit and ate some lunch at Chick-fil-a.
We then passed by a Build-a-Bear store and Mike was like "oh Build-a-bear that place is so fun" and I was like "oh haha I've actually never built a bear before" and Mike about freaked out so he was determined to get me a build-a-bear! This was actually one of the highlights of the trip. They treated me like I was 5 years old. It was awesome. The guy made me take the heart that you put into the build-a-bear and do a bunch of corny things like rub it between my hands so the heart isn't cold, rub it on my nose so the bear doesn't smell bad, rub it on forehead so the bear is smart, rub it on my kness so the bear will always "NEED" me.. the guy thought this one was hilarious. Then he told me to raise my hands while holding the heart and shouting "WOO HOO" Mike thought this was the funniest thing ever. The bear that I picked was a light tan color with 4 patches on its body and I picked it because the money you spend on the bear some of it goes to children who have health issues and I just thought that was awesome. I ended up naming it Patches! That build-a-bear experience was just terrific..made me smile!! Patches is an awesome bear btw we like to hold hands and frolic through the meadow!
After build-a-bear we headed home and chatted with my mom a bit. We then decided that it would be a great time to do the devotional that Mike made for us! It was so awesome! It was all about communication which is really important in a relationship. It was really great to pray and read the bible together because God being in the center of our relationship is the one thing that Mike and I want the most! It just made me thank God so much for mike :)
We waited for dad to get home from work which by the way Mike was ridiculously nervous about meeting him. My mom was trying to lighten the mood so she decided to tell stories about my dad was a good time haha!
My dad came home and met Mike and Mike gave him the nascar stuff that his dad got from work! My dad was really excited about it so that chatted about nascar for a little bit. We then got ready for dinner both of us looking very fresh haha.
oh look at us!
We realized that it was our "first date ever" which is always exciting! Olive Garden was delicious of course. We came back chilled for a little bit ate some cheesecake and hung outside around the bonfire with the rents. We then went on a walk around the neighborhood to burn off that cheesecake and that is exactly what we did! We decided to dance around like goons in the middle of the street pretending we were in a musical... those are the awesome things that Mike and I do when we are together haha!
We came back to the house and decided to watch "Billy Madison" cause I found it on this VHS tape that my mom taped off the tv. We were only through the credits and found out that my mom taped over the movie!!! Mike flipped out it was probably the funniest thing ever! I was like "you know what lets just go to Blockbuster and rent it!" So we did that came back and watched it. best movie ever!
We then decided to chill on the driveway and chat. We ended up talking to 2:30 in the morning. It was really great though I could talk to him for hours and hours!
That was the end of fabulous day number 1!!
I woke up today at 9am to go and make some pancakes! I got mike up at 9:30 and he was not too pleased haha!! We chilled around the house for a couple of hours played with Patches for a little bit...thats always fun.
We went to the pool around 12 which was kind of a bad mistake cause it was like 101 degrees outside!! But we just stayed in the pool the whole time. We got hungry so we went to Cook Out..of course! SO good I haven't had that place in awhile. We chilled there for a little while and chatted it up. We went back to the pool after cookout but only stayed for a little bit cause Mike had to leave :(.
Him leaving was a little sad but we such a great two days that I was in such a good mood! He is great and I just thank God for this awesome blessing in my life hence the title of this blog!
After he left I was exhausted so I decided to take a nap with Patches my new best friend! I got up spent some time with Jesus. The devotional was about fulfilling God's will in you and pushing your selfishnesses aside. It got me really excited for Ayden Grifton Young Life next year! The more I think about it the more I thank God for such an amazing opportunity to chang Ayden Grifton High School!! I am so excited for what next year brings for the AG team!
God is so great and it is just crazy to think about my life 6 months ago and how much He has changed it! Only God could do a transformation like that!
1 comment:
SO fun! So excited for you! Can't wait to meet Patches...and Mike too. :)
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