Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun Day With Friends :)

I got to hang out with my good friends in the last couple of days.

This morning little miss laney bolick called me at 11am telling me that she is coming to my pool at 12 ha. Her and her friend Ali arrived and we headed down to the pool. Juliana came a little later. We just chatted and laughed at stupid things haha!.

After the pool I came back to the house, showered, and spent some time with Jesus.
I got to talk to Lauren Sherrill on the phone today about maybe living with her next year! I really hope it does because she would be a great roommate :)

My mom decided to make oatmeal for dinner..interesting but good haha. It has been a kind of stressful day with my parents. A lot of talk about money and is pretty much the only thing my parents talk about..sad but true...

After dinner I got ready and headed over to Laney's house.
We chatted for a bit then decided to head to Goodberrys. I got a chocolate peanut butter fudge concrete..DELICIOUS :)
We came back and watched Madagascar and chatted to scotty on the internet ha.

Now I'm sitting and eating a banana :)


Baird said...

I LOVE Madagascar. :)

Cook Family said...

what are they stressed about $ for??? it's funny how things never change!