Monday, June 2, 2008

I am made for such a greater world than this one

So I didn't update yesterday which means that this blog will be extra long yay!!

Yesterday I got up and went to church. It was such a great service. We sang one of my favorite worship songs "How Great Is Our God". I love that song because it is so true.. God is so great and not one of us deserves it! Our main Pastor spoke and he has been doing Revelation since January. Revelation is such a difficult and sometimes scary book but it holds so many promises for us as believers! As he was talking about a chapter in Revelation I kept thinking about all the times that I worry about the littlest stuff. The things that I think matter in this world don't because as a believe I do not belong to this world! It was so great to be reminded of these promises.
After church moms, pops, and I went over to Brueggers Bagels for lunch which was yummy. We sat and talked about the sermon.. I love talking about God to my parents just because we don't do it enough.
It was a really hot day so I headed down to the pool and speant sometime with Jesus. I also read old entries in my journal. It was amazing to see how God answers prayers!
Later that evening I went to the $1.50 movies with Ythaul, Laura, Lacey, Stephen and Yaron. We saw "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" which could have been a lot better if it wasn't so vulgar! I had to cover my eyes several times in that movie!
We all were hungry after the movie so we took a trip over to Wendy's which was delicious!
Talked to Mike on the phone for a little bit then headed to bed!

Today I woke up at 12:00 (im such a bum). Talked to my good ole friend Ashley Hitchcock which was great! I miss that girl!
I then headed into work until 6.
Came home and decided to go on a cleaning spree since I am having a very special guest over in three days!
I organized/rearranged my room, cleaned the guest room, and vaccummed! I get in these weird moods where I just want to clean..and tonight was an example of that!

Well I'm going to hang out with the rents now!

1 comment:

Cook Family said...

I missed reading your blog last night :) I'm sure mom and dad were excited about the cleaning! This must be a special guest b/c you don't even clean that much for me. :)