Today has been such a great day. First of all it was beautiful outside..a little hot but still beautiful.
I woke up around 11:30 when the telephone rang. My mom was at work and it was dad's day off. We decided to go have some late breakfast at Bob Evans (reading my blog you will notice that my family goes out to eat a lot haha!) I decided to stay healthy and get the "Fit for the Farm" combo which was eggbeaters scrambled, turkey links, and a banana-strawberry parfait..even though it was a light meal it was DELICIOUS!
After "breakfast" we went over to the DS dubs and bought some running shoes for both of us. I'm not going to lie mine are phat- all black with pink trim!
I really wanted to go the Christian bookstore cause I needed a new journal. I got my journal and I also bought the book captivating! I'm already on the fifth chapter and I started today.
One of the chapters was all about beauty (hence the title of my blog) and how women are beautiful because God created us. It talks about all other kinds of beauty that He creates, such as nature, and music. As women we are "captivating" just like a beautiful scene or a beautiful song. It was really great to be reminded that "the King is enthralled by my beauty"!
After the Christian book store my dad and I headed over to Best Buy because he is looking for a new computer. We didn't get anything just look around for a bit :).
We then came home changed into our swimsuits and headed to the pool.
It was a really great father-daughter day. I don't have many chances where I JUST hang out with my dad. We have grown so much in our relationship and I only have God to thank for that.
My mom then got home from work and she decided to join us at the pool. That was fun. We talked about captivating for a little bit so I think shes going to read it after I'm done :)
While we were at the pool Jen, my sister, called and told us her doctor appointment went great (for everyone who doesn't know my sister is about 8/9 weeks pregnant!!). She got an ultrasound of the baby and the doctor said that the heartbeat was really strong. Here is my niece/nephew (not sure of the gender yet):
After the pool we all came back and I spent sometime with Jesus. I think about my life a couple of months ago and how I would go weeks or even months without opening up my devotional/my bible and how unhappy I was because of it. I now can't go a day without it and that is also because of the Lord..He has definitely made my faith stronger!
After my devotional I got to talk to Mike a little bit online while he was waiting for his plane! That was always is :)
I decided to take a jog. I ran/walked for a good 3 miles.. I don't know if I ever could run straight 3 miles?..maybe i will get there one day ??
Overall today has been a great day! :)
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