Well I have done a lot in a week I won't go into every detail of every day but it has been a pretty exciting week :).
Last weekend I went to my annual family reunion. It was really great to see everyone I haven't seen in a long time. It just reminded me how God has blessed me with an amazing family :)

grandchildren and grandpa :)

My sis and I in the backseat of our rental convertible

My cousin Brooke and I! She's adorable :)

the whole clan!
This past week I didn't do too much just worked and relaxed.
Now on to this weekend, which has been the thing I have looked forward to the most this past month!
I went down the Michael Stemlers house in Concord to visit him and meet his family :). It was probably the best weekend I have had all summer long!
I arrived at the Stemlers Thursday evening and met Barb and Wayne (his parents) they are SO great I had a lot of fun with them. I also met mima (Mike's grandma). I brought mima a chick-fil-a milkshake because they are her favorite and she just fell in love with me haha! We all ate dinner and then watched sound of music! We didn't even get to finish all of it cause it is like three hours and we were all getting tired. After the movie Carolena (Mike's sister) came home and me, barb, and carolena chatted about things :).
The next day was probably my favorite of the whole weekend. We woke up and mima treated us to breakfast at cracker barrel, delicious! After breakfast Mike, Carolena and I went over to Wayne's work (Hendricks Motor Sports) and got to take a tour around :)
Mike and I by Jimmie Johnson's car :)
We then proceeded to the house to get ready for the exciting event of the day, white water rafting!! We went over the White Water Center and walked around a bit and then went on our adventure in the raft. We had a really cool raft guy, his name was Craig and he was probably the biggest nerd that I have ever talked to. He was obsessed with star wars but he was hilarious. It was pretty much an awesome time!
its not us but i just wanted to take a picture of raft going :)
We then got ready for our evening event. To my surprise Mike took me to
Cheesecake factory because 1. I have never been and 2. cheesecake is my favorite desert! We even valet our car like high class people haha! After dinner we walked around the mall and looked at 2,000 prada purses it was good times.
I have never been downtown Charlotte before so we decided to go and walk around. We got some starbucks and just sat and chatted. Walking and Chatting..its what Mike and I do haha.
Here comes my favorite part..
We come home and decide to go on walk around the neighborhood. While we are walking Mike pulls me over by this pond (HA!) and reads me this letter he wrote. At the end he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said NO WAY..haha jk I said YES of course :). So we are officially official everyone!
We had a hard time going to sleep that night we were both really excited!
Saturday we woke up ate some delicious breakfast that Barb prepared and headed over to Holly 's! I got to meet all of Mike's really good friends..it was awesome they are great :) After hanging out on the lake we all went out to Chili's for dinner and our table was way cooler (sorry bryan!) We then went back to Holly's and played some brain buster games and chatted. Mike and I finally arrived home and decided to watch Hercules haha SUCH a good movie. After the movie we stayed up and talked until 4am ha!
Today we woke up went to Panera for lunch and then came back to do our devotional that Mike got us. It was really cool. These times are my favorite times I spend with him. We talked a long time about everything going on in our lives right now and prayed for each other :)
After Jesus time Mike and I went to Journey to the center of the earth with Barb and Wayne. The movie was alright, a little unrealistic, and cheesy but it was fun to hang out with them! After movie time we went over to dinner and Cinco De Mayos..delicious.
It was then time to get ready to leave which was probably the saddest thing ever! I headed out around 7pm and got home around 9. I got my computer all set up so now I have internet access again yay!
--this weekend has been so great and I only have God to thank. It is just crazy to look back at my life 6 months ago and how much my life has changed. I am so much more closer to Christ and I now have amazing friends and amazing boyfriend:). I am really excited to see what Jesus has in store for me for the future!
That really does sound like the best 2 weeks ever! You are a very blessed girl, Heather Leigh! :D I love you! I want to see you this weekend.
Thanks for visiting us...it was a special weekend for us as well. It really makes us happy to see you and Michael so happy. God Bless you and come see us any time. Love ya, Barb and Wayne
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